Life is Like Making Soup

Life is Like Making Soup

It was a cold winter day, and I decided to make soup. I gathered ingredients that were available and made it up as I went…a delicious pot of beefy, vegetable soup. I made a pan of cornbread, and voila’—a tasty winter meal. And, it all freezes well for a wonderful meal some other day.

Looking at the assortment of ingredients made me think of the fact that we are all given abilities and talents to use during our lifetime. It is in our DNA, and it is up to each of us to develop those talents, and share the results with the world around us.

I have done many things in my life. From an early age I loved to cook. As a young girl I could make an Angel Food cake from scratch! I cooked lunch for my family during the summer, but sometimes I nibbled on the fried potatoes until there was’t a lot left when the family arrived home for lunch! My mother said, “What happened to the potatoes?”

My grandmother sewed a lot of my clothes when I was young. It gave me a great desire to sew, and I used that desire and ability to create garments for myself and my daughters. I loved designing.

I used my secretarial skills by working in the Special Education office at the school. Computers came in during my time there, and it gave me experience in which to use my skills for home computing and designing pages with my photos and stories.

I took up art and was able to develop my skill as an artist. Getting involved in art groups and getting involved in professional groups was a wonderful experience. Achieving “Signature” status with several national groups was certainly a highlight to my art career. For many years I have offered paintings for sale as donations to Rathgeber Hospitality House in Wichita Falls.

Along with art came photography. I always loved my camera, and traveling across states and the continents gave me such wonderful opportunities for my photography. There was a saying in our art group— “You need two cameras to travel in case one has a problem.” There probably would not be a place near by to get it fixed.

Music has always been a big part of my life. I have been involved with children’s music at church for many years, and I participated in our church choir thru the years. I always loved to write. I have written many personal pieces about life, family, my faith, and many quirky thoughts as they spark my brain into action. Now days I am writing some of my thoughts in these newspaper articles. I hope they inspire you from time to time.

I encourage everyone to use what the Lord has given you in life. Everyone has something to share. “Life is like making soup.” Your special abilities and talents will make your life and those around you a delicious “soup of life!” Make it count.