
A Little Touch of History

A Little Touch of History

Recently, my granddaughter subscribed to an on-line book publisher. She gave the subscription to me for Christmas, and asked me to write my personal story this year. I am such an individualist that I really did not like the way the computer program was laid out. As I thought about it, I suggested that since I wrote my story in 2001 why not just make copies, and add my story from 2001 to present day? She was in agreement, specifying that she wanted 3 copies for her children.

Bottled Water

Bottled Water

When it comes to water sources, there are so many choices: water from the tap, filtered water, or bottled water. The marketplace is flooded (no pun intended) with so many brands that you may need help deciding which is the best. While some people refuse to drink bottled water—standing in support of tap water superiority— others (like me) are convinced that selecting the right bottled water can rev up your water game. Now that I’ve found the best-tasting brand, I drink more water and enjoy the experience.
